Aug 01

What is the difference between sentiment analysis and emotion AI?

This is a question we hear all the time, so we’ve decided to set the record straight. By knowing the difference between sentiment analysis and emotion AI, individuals can have more informed discussions, make better-informed decisions, and leverage the appropriate techniques and methodologies to achieve their desired goals effectively and ethically.  

It’s important to know the difference in order to ensure clear communications, accurately frame your problems (and in turn, solutions!), and to target your insights and actions appropriately. 

This blog post explores the similarities and differences between sentiment analysis and emotion AI.  

Why the confusion? 

Sentiment analysis and emotion AI are two related but still very distinct concepts relating to natural language processes (NLP). While both involve the analysis of human language to extract information about feelings and attitudes, the processes and use cases are quite different. There is so much confusion around sentiment analysis and emotion AI, and there are many reasons for this.  

There’s a great deal of overlapping terminology and confusion in the meanings of some of the words. The terms "sentiment" and "emotion" are sometimes used interchangeably in everyday use. In AI, those terms are strictly different, but indeed the distinction between the two can be blurred in casual usage or due to varying interpretations. 

Emotions are complex! Since emotions can be multifaceted, it makes their accurate analysis and classification challenging. Different people might express and interpret emotions differently, and emotions can vary based on context, culture, and personal experiences. This complexity can lead to debates and varying approaches in the field, contributing to confusion. 

Sentiment analysis and emotion AI can involve multiple modalities, such as text, speech, facial expressions, and physiological signals. Integrating these modalities and developing comprehensive models that encompass all aspects of emotions definitely adds to the complexity and can further cause confusion in understanding the boundaries and the overlaps between sentiment and emotions. 

The field of sentiment analysis and emotion AI is rapidly advancing, with new research, techniques, and technologies emerging constantly. This rapid evolution can create ambiguity and confusion as different approaches, terminology, and applications are being developed and refined. It can be difficult to keep up. 

Sentiment analysis and emotion AI are evolving fields with varying interpretations and definitions across researchers and practitioners. The lack of standardized definitions and frameworks can contribute to confusion and differing understandings of the concepts. 

To address the confusion, it is important to define and clarify the specific terms and objectives within sentiment analysis and emotion AI contexts. Providing clear distinctions and understanding the nuances between the two can help in fostering a more accurate understanding and discussion of these concepts. So – here goes! 

sentiment analysis soundwaves

What is sentiment analysis? 

Sentiment analysis is known as “opinion mining” and is a technique in NLP used to analyze and identify the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in texts. The aim is to understand opinions, attitudes, and different feelings conveyed by different people towards a specific topic, product, service, or event. 

The goal of sentiment analysis is to categorize the sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral. It involves processing and analyzing text data using machine learning algorithms, NLP techniques, and scientific or linguistic rules to identify and extract sentiment-bearing words, phrases, and contexts. 

Sentiment analysis can be performed at different levels. These range from document-level sentiment analysis to sentence or aspect-level sentiment analysis. It provides insights into public opinion, customer feedback, social media sentiment, brand reputation, market trends, and more. 

Enterprises use sentiment analysis to gain deeper understandings of customer perceptions, to improve brand reputation management, to monitor product feedback, to identify emerging trends, and to enhance data-driven decision-making processes. The results assist businesses to assess customer satisfaction, identify areas of improvement, and develop targeted marketing strategies. 

Sentiment analysis is employed in various industries including marketing, customer service, social media monitoring, market research, and reputation management. By automating the sentiment analysis process, organizations can analyze large volumes of text data efficiently and derive valuable insights to inform business strategies and decision-making processes. 

What is emotion AI? 

Emotion AI, also referred to as affective computing, goes beyond sentiment analysis and aims to recognize and understand specific emotions expressed in text, speech, or other forms of communication. It handles the understanding, interpretation, and replication of human emotion.  

Emotion AI involves the detection and analysis of a wide range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and more nuanced emotions like excitement, frustration, satisfaction, etc. The goal is to capture the emotional state or affective responses of individuals and provide a deeper understanding of their emotional experiences. 

It involves the development of technologies and algorithms that enable machines to perceive, analyze, and respond to human emotions expressed through various modalities, such as facial expressions, voice intonations, text, and physiological signals. 

Emotion AI utilizes techniques like computer vision, NLP, and machine learning to detect and classify emotions accurately. It goes beyond simple sentiment analysis and aims to recognize a wider range of emotions. Typical emotions it recognizes include happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, as well as a plethora of more nuanced emotional states. 

The applications of emotion AI are vast and span across different industries. It can be employed in customer experience and market research to gauge customer sentiments, to personalize commercial interactions, and to understand consumer preferences for strategic enterprise approaches. In healthcare, emotion AI can assist in mental health monitoring, patient feedback analysis, and improving people’s overall wellbeing. Emotion AI also finds applications in areas like virtual assistants, human-computer interaction, adaptive learning, and gaming, where it can enhance the user experiences and enable more empathetic interactions between the humans and the machines. 

Read more about emotion AI: Emotion AI FAQ and What is emotion analytics?

facial emotion detection

How is sentiment analysis similar to emotion AI? 

As mentioned, sentiment analysis and emotion AI are both closely-related concepts within the same field of NLP. Both involve analyzing human language to gain insights into feelings and attitudes. Even though they both have their own distinct focuses and objectives, there are some similarities the two share too. 

Both sentiment analysis and emotion AI aim to understand the subjective aspects of human communication. While one, sentiment analysis, involves more general classification and focuses on text, and the other, emotion AI, recognizes and categorizes a broader range of more specific emotions from all forms of communication, both are capturing and classifying people’s opinions, attitudes, or feelings. 

Both sentiment analysis and emotion AI use techniques from NLP, machine learning, and text analytics to analyze and classify human language. They both involve extracting and interpreting emotional cues. 

Sentiment analysis and emotion AI both involve the analysis of human language to extract information about feelings and attitudes. Sentiment analysis focuses on the overall sentiment expressed, while emotion AI aims to recognize and categorize specific emotions – so they complement each other in providing insights into the subjective aspects of human communication. 

What is the difference between sentiment analysis and emotion AI? 

Despite their similarities, these two concepts are in practice very different. 

Sentiment analysis focuses on determining the sentiment or emotional polarity texts. The resulting categories are usually positive, negative, or neutral. It focuses on classifying the overall sentiment of the texts, and understanding the general opinion or attitude conveyed within the texts. Sentiment analysis is most frequently used in use-cases such as assessing customer feedback, gauging public opinion, or analyzing brand reputation. 

On the other hand, emotion AI goes a bit further. It seeks to recognize and categorize specific emotions expressed in text, speech, or other forms of communication. It involves identifying a wide range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise, as well as more nuanced emotions like excitement or frustration. Emotion AI aims to capture and understand the emotional states or affective responses of different people.  

Emotion AI often involves more advanced techniques than sentiment analysis, including machine learning models, deep learning, and multimodal analysis (combining text, voice, facial expressions, etc.) to accurately infer emotions. 

To summarize the differences, sentiment analysis focuses on classifying the overall sentiment expressed in text, while emotion AI aims to recognize and categorize specific emotions. Sentiment analysis provides an understanding of the sentiment or attitude, while emotion AI goes deeper into the identification and interpretation of a wide range of emotions. 


We hope that this post will help with understanding the minefield of questions we receive about the differences between sentiment analysis and emotion AI. This is one of our favorite topics and we’d love to discuss it further with you – if this raised questions for you, please reach out and ask. 

To summarize the learnings so far, sentiment analysis provides an understanding of the overall sentiment or attitude expressed in text, while emotion AI takes us a bit deeper into recognizing and categorizing specific emotions in order to gain a more nuanced understanding different individuals’ emotional states. Both techniques have practical applications in various fields, including customer feedback analysis, brand monitoring, social media analysis, market research, and personalization of user experiences. To find out more about sentiment analysis and emotion AI, check out our website or have a look at our emotion AI datasets

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